Watershed Wellness
“The Water Was Chocolate Brown”
Tolan Creek – The Bitterroot Water Partnership Fulfilling Its Mission By Doug Hatchimonji, BWP Board Member All rivers are a sum…
Schoolyard Lessons: Growing the Next Generation of Stewards for Darby
Schoolyard Lessons: Growing the Next Generation of Stewards for Darby By: Ellie Ross The leaves are changing, the days are getting…
Being Water-Wise in the Bitterroot: Every Lawn Counts!
Montana’s rugged history is full of wild stories about the lengths that people have gone to to protect their water rights…
The Dirty Truth – Sediment Pollution in the Bitterroot
It’s real, it’s dirty, and it’s a problem! We’re talking about sediment, those small particles of rock and soil that flow…
We’ve Got Something Special-The Importance and Value of the Bitterroot
By Ellie Ross For the folks who live here, the value and importance of the Bitterroot may seem obvious. Look around…
Sheep Creek Mine: You Bet We’re Ready to Take Care of What’s Ours.
For three decades, the Bitterroot Water Partnership has worked for clean, abundant water and healthy habitats in the Bitterroot Valley. Through…
The Time to Conserve Water is Now – Painted Rocks Water Supply Approaches Low Levels, Encouraging Extra Local Cooperation
Water Trends and This Year’s Low Projections Each year our local irrigators, water managers, and Fish and Wildlife biologists work together…
Irrigation in the Bitterroot Tour
The virtual Irrigation in the Bitterroot Tour is available! This tour starts at Lake Como talking with Bitter Root Irrigation District…
Restoration and Agriculture Virtual Field Trip
In the Bitterroot Valley, water is ingrained with the way of life for many. Whether it’s through irrigation driving their livelihood…
Casting for Conservation
Its time to put down the phone and grab your lucky fishing hat and learn the art of Flyfishing. * Registration…