North Burnt Fork, Wild Fowl Lane Restoration
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Home / Restoration Projects / North Burnt Fork, Wild Fowl Lane Restoration
North Burnt Fork Creek
Restore native vegetation along the North Burnt Fork creek – Repair irrigation infrastructure on the north and south banks to supplement water to revegetation plots and remove damaging flow patterns within the creek – install protective fencing while plants re-establish around the stream-
North Burnt Fork Creek in Stevensville suffers from sediment pollution, warming water temperatures, and substantial loss of native vegetation along its streambanks. The Bitterroot Water Partnership has an opportunity to partner with a local landowner, The New Frontier Ministries, to enhance streamside vegetation along ~500 feet of the creek just west of the bridge on Wild Fowl Lane. The ministry group utilizes outdoor recreation such as fishing and hiking to mentor father-son relationships. Prioritizing habitat enhancement along the North Burnt Fork fulfills the mission of both organizations.
The project area was historically grazed and shows signs of non-native weed growth. The southern streambank in particular lacks common native vegetation that provides shade for the creek and habitat for a variety of wildlife, including native bull and cutthroat Trout present in the North Burnt Fork.
Restoration of streamside habitat will address many of this stream’s threats at once: they will grow roots to hold the bank together minimizing erosion, they will shade waters to keep them cool for aquatic life, and by slowing water they will help recharge groundwater.
In Spring of 2025 BWP will replant 5,400 square feet (slightly larger than a basketball court) with native plants, install protective fencing, and repair irrigation infrastructure so that it no longer negatively affects streamflow. Up to 400 feet of the southern bank will be sloped back and willows will be planted into the slope to provide shade for the creek. The irrigation infrastructure will be used to provide supplemental water for the establishment of native plants. At least 700 native willow shoots will be sourced directly from this site.
2025 – 2028
New Frontier Ministries